Our Partnership

We are proud and thank our partners to get associated with Xiom. Our partner’s expression of trust is expressed in believing us. We together will pursue new milestones for the community.

What Our Partners Think

“Innoplexus is pleased to partner with Xiom Healthcare, who are launching a healthcare process management app, where a physician can keep themselves up to date with the latest and greatest advances in their specialization, coming from Ontosight® platform. Innoplexus aims to empower researchers and physicians to find the hidden but relevant insights anytime & anywhere through intuitive interfaces.”
– Innoplexus
“Xiom Healthcare has developed one of the most comprehensive and advanced application to support healthcare practitioners and patients. CIMS Medica is pleased to be a partner with Xiom in providing critical data about symptoms, medicines databases and health alerts. We are sure this collaboration will prove to be a game-changer in the healthcare world for providing clinical decision support & assist the physicians at the point of prescription”
“Partnering with Xiom Healthcare for UI/UX, brand strategy and website design has been an absolute pleasure. “Health-Imagined” is absolutely a game-changing product. Xiom Healthcare is a group of creative, relentless and forward thinkers.”
“Partnering with Xiom Healthcare for UI/UX, brand strategy and website design has been an absolute pleasure. “Health-Imagined” is absolutely a game-changing product. Xiom Healthcare is a group of creative, relentless and forward thinkers.”